
Most Common Types Of Mosquitoes in Texas
Mosquitoes are simply overbearing in Houston, Texas. They intrude on backyards, gardens, pools, even our house and other out-of-the-house destinations commencing from springtime through the initial autumn period. The CDC

Cold Winter Kills Mosquitoes, but Not the Eggs: What’s the Solution?
Cold Winter Kills Mosquitoes but not the eggs, so what is the solution for that? There’s a myth that cold winter kills mosquitoes, and that they don’t cause any kind

Mosquito ABCs : family of small midge-like flies
Mosquitoes ABC’s Mosquitoes are actually a family of small midge-like flies. A few of the species are harmless (and a small few are useful) to humans but most are a

What is a Midge: Prominent in Gulf Coast
What is a Midge Midge is a group of many kinds of small flies found on practically every land area outside deserts and frigid zones. They are prominent in Gulf

Dengue Fever : No Commercially Available Vaccine
What is Dengue Fever Dengue is transmitted by several species of mosquito . Dengue fever virus has four different types; infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity to that

West Nile Virus
What is West Nile Virus Mosquitos are more than an annoying insect. But mosquitos are potentially life threatening. They carry diseases – potentially very nasty deseases. In 2007 there were